
My Roles

  • User Research
  • UX design: Crazy 8s, Wireframing, Prototyping
  • UI design + Iterations
  • Usability testing


  • Figma
  • Adobe Photoshop
  • Adobe Illustrator
  • Google forms


  • September – October 2023

The Problem

Challenges in website navigation, including a complex search function and convoluted product filters, are hindering the seamless shopping experience for users. Ambiguous design elements and a lack of cohesive product presentation are contributing to user dissatisfaction, resulting in potential loss of sales and reduced customer engagement. Addressing these key design deficiencies is essential to establish an intuitive and efficient digital platform that caters to the discerning needs of our target audience, ensuring an optimized shopping journey and fostering lasting customer relationships.

The Solution

Integrating a user-friendly interface, emphasizing intuitive navigation, and optimizing the visual layout will be key to enhancing the overall user experience. Leveraging interactive design elements, such as clear call-to-action buttons and streamlined product categorization, will foster a seamless and engaging journey for users. Implementing comprehensive user testing, responsive design practices, and continuous iterative improvements will drive a user-centric design approach, resulting in a sophisticated and captivating e-commerce platform that resonates with our target audience.

Project Brief

Brief image

My Process

I used an online survey created with Google Forms to collect data from the gay community in the United States, Mexico, and Colombia. The survey will be distributed through relevant channels such as social media and online communities.

User Surveys

I conducted a quick survey among people who shop online for clothing and accessories on a regular basis. I used Google forms to complete the survey and gather the results.

User Interviews

After obtaining the survey results, a total of seven users opted for face-to-face interviews.

Competitors Analysis

In the Competitors Analysis section, I selected and analyzed four competitors using the SWOT method. This analysis provides valuable insights for “Toxic Bear’s” strategic positioning.

I used an online survey created with Google Forms to collect data from the gay community in the United States, Mexico, and Colombia. The survey will be distributed through relevant channels such as social media and online communities.

Card Sorting

Out of the seven users interviewed, four participated in the open card sorting activity.

User 1 

appears to prioritize the organization of website elements primarily based on navigation and product-related aspects. They emphasize the importance of clear navigation (menu, search, cart) and the product browsing and purchase process. This suggests a focus on user-friendliness and efficiency when interacting with the website.

User 2

Seems to focus on a combination of navigation, main pages, and product-related elements. He prioritize key website sections such as the home page, blog, and customer testimonials. This indicates an interest in creating an engaging and informative front-end experience for users, along with a strong emphasis on product presentation.

User 3

Places a strong emphasis on navigation and product-related elements, similar to User 1. He also highlight support-related pages such as the contact page, privacy policy, shipping, and returns information, suggesting a desire for clear and accessible customer support and information.

User 4

User’s categorization highlights a mix of navigation, user-related features (login/register), product-related elements, and live interaction (live chat). This client appears to prioritize user account management, indicating a potential focus on enhancing the user experience for registered users.

Journey Map

Using a journey map for this project offers a concise visual representation of the customer’s experience, highlighting pain points and opportunities. This valuable tool allowed me to pinpoint areas for improvement and design a user-centric online shopping experience, ultimately enhancing customer satisfaction and loyalty.

User Persona

Explore the unique profiles of our customers in this section. Through User Personas, we gain valuable insights into their goals, preferences, and challenges, guiding us in tailoring our offerings to provide exceptional online shopping experiences. Get to know our diverse audience and discover how we strive to meet their specific needs.

User Flow

This User Flow illustrates the actions a user takes from landing on the Toxic Bear website to successfully completing the purchase of their desired T-shirt. Each step is based on user needs and the information gathered from research and the journey map, ensuring a smooth and satisfying user experience.

Site Map

This sitemap presents an organized structure for the Toxic Bear website, making navigation and product search user-friendly. It also incorporates payment methods, shipping options, and an order tracking page to enhance the customer experience. Ensure that each page is intuitively designed and easy to use.

Site map


Using a journey map for this project offers a concise visual representation of the customer’s experience, highlighting pain points and opportunities. This valuable tool allowed me to pinpoint areas for improvement and design a user-centric online shopping experience, ultimately enhancing customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Lofi Wireframing

Hifi Wireframing

The decision to use a high-fidelity (HiFi) prototype was motivated by the users’ familiarity with the e-commerce environment, emphasizing colors, images, and intuitive navigation. This approach facilitated a more realistic and engaging testing process, providing a user experience closely resembling an actual online shopping journey. The testing primarily focused on selecting products, applying filters for personalized searches, and completing the ordering process, ensuring a comprehensive evaluation of the website’s core functionalities.

Based on the valuable insights and feedback from the usability testing sessions, we will be implementing several improvements to the design and functionality of the website. Our focus is to create a more user-friendly and intuitive experience that caters to the needs and preferences of our target audience. By integrating these enhancements, we aim to ensure a seamless and enjoyable user journey, ultimately enhancing customer satisfaction and engagement.


As the solo UX/UI designer on this project, I’ve gained valuable insights from my thorough UX research, which have directly influenced my UI design decisions. Understanding the users’ pain points, needs, and expectations has been pivotal. By actively addressing user feedback and concerns, I’m confident in creating a user-centric design that prioritizes seamless navigation, enhanced product visibility, and an intuitive shopping experience. Armed with this knowledge, I am well-equipped to develop an exceptional website that not only meets but exceeds the expectations of both our client and their target audience. This journey from research to design has reinforced the critical importance of a user-focused approach and has equipped me with invaluable skills

Thank You

Thank you for taking the time to explore this case study. I hope this project has provided you with valuable insights into my UX/UI design process and the meticulous attention I dedicate to creating user-centric experiences. Please feel free to explore my other projects, where I continue to apply these principles to deliver exceptional design solutions. Your interest is greatly appreciated, and I look forward to sharing more of my work with you.

Other jobs

PhotoProFinder: Mobile App

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A&D Junk Removal: Web & Logo Redesign

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